His pistol functions the same as it does in Dishonored with no upgrades equipped. Good articles do not have to be as comprehensive as featured articles (FA), but they should not omit any major facets of the topic: a comparison of the criteria.

If Corvo is the protagonist, his pistol and mask are located just to the left of the door out of the Tower. But when they do finally die, the achievement will pop. In Dishonored 2, the pistol is collected from the Imperial Safe Room in Dunwall Tower. Its going to take more than one deflection to kill them proper, for me personally it took 3. When they aim their pistol at you to fire, you can either press RB at the right time to deflect, or do what I did and mash it over and over so you get close to perfect timing without trying too hard. Cost: 0 runes Blink level 2: Slightly increases the distance of blink.-Cost: 3 runes Level 1 blink is freely given to Corvo after his first meeting with the outsider. Blink level 1: Allows Corvo to move a short distance, almost instantly. Now, try to single out an 'Elite Guard' type enemy, (they'll be wearing a red coat, armed with a pistol and sword, and can be found quite early in the game, I completed the achievement during mission 3) and get they're attention. Blink, like all powers and enhancments in Dishonored has a level 1 and a level 2 to upgrade the power. NOTE: If you don't think you'll be using these much more in the game, then quick save the game (RT in the pause menu) and purchase them afterwards, then once you have the achievement, reload and get your runes back. First, you'll be needing the 'Reflexes' enhancement, and the 'Superior Deflection' upgrade.

For this achievement you'll need to redirect a bullet fired by an enemy back onto him with your sword, and kill him.